27 September 2022

Next Campaign...

I recently hit upon a meme that asked, "Why are vampires always rich in the movies?  How do they make their living?"

The reply was the obvious one, "If you've been alive since 1892 and you're still broke, just go sleep in the sun."

I think I will have to incorporate this concept into my next world that has vampires whom could have been around since a hundred years ago.

Of course, this will not fly in settings where vampires are a recent thing, like Technomancer.


  1. I think you are correct about how wealth is accumulated. In the original movie 'Highlander', the hero had a vast collection of art and armor that was collected over hundreds of years of his Life. You have to have some brains about what to collect though - I wonder how many Beanie Babies he purchased in the late 1990s ...


  2. immortality and compound interest are a beautiful thing. Vampires can maximize the stock market. -JKIng

  3. A vampire could easily enter the underworld and do very well there, and then "retire" with a lot of money. OTOH, one way a vampire could stay poor would be to have a serious gambling jones.


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