15 September 2022

How You Lose A Gun In Your Car For Three Years

First, you put the gun in the back after getting done shooting it.

Second, the car has a complete electrical failure that keeps you from opening any but the driver's door.

Third, you have it towed to a shop to figure out the electrical failure.

Fourth, you fall and break your leg.

Fifth, the world panics around a flu-like disease that nearly everyone survives but we still keep the panic going for... reasons.

Sixth, just as you're starting to recover from the broken leg, you erase all progress you've made so far by slipping and falling again...  No new breaks, but lots of pulled muscles.

So, when you finally get to the point where you can face the mechanic, whom has not just had the thing towed to the scrap yard...

It's been three years.


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  3. Is Mr Fleetwood related to Lemony Snicket because that's a long series of unfortunate events?

  4. seems plausible to me...panzer guy


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