10 February 2018

Perhaps Some Transparancy Would Help

There's a lot of dissatisfaction out there about how the NRA is responding to things and advancing OUR agenda on gun rights.

I've long held that the NRA is expert on the defense, but abysmal on offense.

I've also noticed they don't give even a centishit about NFA or NFA-like things and under the bus is where they throw NFA at every opportunity.

I've voted for the people whom I think will help, but...

Well, the way the things work at NRA HQ are a blank dark hole.

There's times where they appear to be in the way rather than helping, like not being able to see that a politician from Miami cannot be pro-gun; yet giving them A-ratings without anything but a statement from the politician they will be good?

Or will we be allowed to kick the football this year?

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