10 February 2018

The Zombie Can Tell The Difference

Say you've gone utterly insane.

You want a clone of a Polish Tantal wz.88 rifle.

Sure, you could spend $900 with Atlantic Firearms, but it would eat at you that you didn't have the selector on the left side of the gun.

You could take your chances with a Century Arms gun.  But too many of those went out the door with a 5.56 barrel on them and there's conflicting information about how to tell the good from the bad.

That leaves you stuck with parts kits and DIY.

Nodak Spud sells an already folded and welded receiver for $90.

AK Builders sells a parts kit with a nitrided barrel for $471.  Plus $16 for rivets.

Then you're left looking for tools.  That'd be another $400+ depending on how Cadillac you wanna be about it.

If you live in the Tampa/St Pete area, like I do, one of the local gun manufacturers has an AK build class.

$750 if you bring your own kit.  They provide the tools, receiver flat, tools and expertise to change that flat into a serialed receiver and assemble your kit onto it.  Takes about 4 days.

I emailed them about bringing my own Nodak receiver for the build and the class drops to $150 and shortens the class to a day!

Grand total of DIY is $726 with the local class, plus shipping and a background check.

That's got some appeal.

If you're utterly insane.

Which I might be.

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