05 February 2018


The history of the American Indian has been cleansed and romanticized.

The only evil people in the old west are whites.

That's not true.

There's enough evil and injustice on both sides to spread around.

There was ample casus belli from the Native Americans to start the wars that got them subjugated and sent to reservations.

There are ample examples of White savagery to justify all manner of reprisal from the Indians.

This is what happens when cultures rub up against one another.  Better to be the stronger, more adaptive culture when it occurs.

Western Civ was the winner of the clash.  Decisively so.

The singular reason we're hearing about it today is that Western Civilization, in the form of American expansion, didn't do what every other culture in the world prior to that did to the culture it was displacing with its expansion.

We skipped on the enslavement and genocide.

Those words have lost some of their value in modern usage.

We use them to describe attempted enslavement and attempted genocide.

We use genocide to describe massacre.  We use enslavement to describe subjugation.

An enslaved people has no free members.

A people whom have experienced genocide has no living members.

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