01 January 2021

Full Auto

Took this, cropped, picture of Luna just past full with the camera in Program mode and set three stops less exposure.  Autofocus too!

Canon EOS M50; EF-S 55-250mm IS II; f/7.1, 1/400", 250mm, ISO 160.

Hand held no less!

Lots of wavy in the air this evening, and wispy clouds.


  1. this was not the full auto i was expecting to read about... i WANT MY MONEY BACK!!! er... yeah... please give me DOUBLE my money back, and we can call that EVEN! :-p OBTW, any plans to go 500mm (or more?) ...asking for a friend!

    1. THere's a slightly under $1,000 600mm lens I'd love to get... if only people would hit that paypal link more often!


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