19 September 2022

Evolution In Action

Try to force your way into someone else's car in Florida, you learn you're not in New York anymore.

Darwin does not sleep even if He takes breaks.

Another way to look at it is there's one fewer stupid New Yorker sucking on my oxygen.

This is something of a open letter for people who live where you don't see much conceal carry.

The laws "back home" will be different once you cross the line from blue state to red state, or even purple state.  Especially about guns.

We're constantly seeing the results of people not absorbing that, while all the states are broadly similar with regards to their laws, the specifics matter a great deal.

Canadians are, by far, the worst offenders about not making this absorption and they're actually traveling to a different country; it should be more obvious to them.

But I have the same sympathy for the deceased as I do for the WNBA moron rotting in a Russian prison.

They did not bother to internalize that the legal situation had changed because they chose to travel to a different jurisdiction and discovered that there are consequences.

For one of them, final consequences.

PS: I suspect that no charges will be brought on the shooter because we don't have a name yet.  The shooter being named is often a clue about prosecution in the Hillsborough/Pasco/Pinellas area.


  1. I'm sorry the young man is dead, but you're right. What in the world was he thinking? My mother pounded it iinto my head "never get in a car with a stranger!" before I was six years old.

  2. I suspect alcohol, or some other chemical brain inhibitor, was involved. Get drunk, surly, walk into the wrong house, over the wrong elevator shaft, across the wrong highway and ka-boom, too late sober.


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