18 September 2022


The nail, which was flapping loose and hanging on by a very thin hunk of skin has reattached itself, at a funny angle.

It's healing, it just looks like hell.


  1. that looks very uncomfortable...got cleated playing flag football years ago...big toe...hurt like hell for weeks until the whole nail fell off...amazing how there is no pain when it falls off and then it just grows back...panzer guy...

  2. When did you do that? Was the end of your finger cut off with it?

    I had the end of my right index finger almost cut off by my metal lathe almost a year ago - September 13. The ER did nothing but give me a card to see an orthopedic surgeon, but the short story is after she reattached it, it healed to where it almost looks and feels normal.

    I was looking at the pic I took of it before the surgery and it looks pretty similar to yours, the broken off portion just extends a bit farther to the left (top in your pic). The nail is one piece, grown out, and recovered nicely. I'd guess yours will do the same.

    1. The knife tip went in mid-nail and exited out the front and was nearly parallel to the nail as it traveled.

      There's no pain and I'm only keeping a band-aid on it because it's a snag hazard until the isolated piece of nail decides to fall off.


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