02 July 2023


30 shot in Baltimore during a block party.

Baltimore has extra gun control on top of relatively restricted Maryland.

The way the press is tip-toeing around some details almost screams:


Not just gang-related, but gangs of a certain vibrancy.

But the giant problem, still, is the utter lack Republican representation at the city level since... 1967.

Why is it places that stop having enough Republicans to take over the mayor's office every once and a while become crime ridden shit-holes?


  1. Because in leftist progressive governments, nothing is ever the individual's fault unless it is directly due to the individual not being a leftist progressive. Otherwise it is all about the fault of whatever organization the leftist progressives in charge want to destroy or change to leftist progressivism.

    In other words, national socialists blaming non-national socialists for things (and calling the non-natsoc 'Nazis') that the actual national socialists want to change.

    None of Baltimore's gun control issues are about actually stopping gun violence. It's all about controlling the people of Baltimore (mostly to keep electing the very lackwits and agents provocateurs that have been in control and keep making gun control laws) and pushing the enemies of the city (you know, non-progressives and outright conservatives) out of the city in order to cement their (the lackwits and agents provocateurs) strangle hold on the city.

    Those in control are doing a fine job of killing the city in order to save it.

    But you knew that.

  2. They juss be celebrating julyteenth. They will be sacking a liquor store for refreshments.

  3. Libtards shit where they eat. They ruin an area and then blame Republicans outside their area for all their problems. And the libtard controlled media goes right along with it. It's no surprise that they are unwilling to honestly report about the demographics of both the victims and perpetrators of this violence. Of course they blame guns. But the problem is the people.


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