10 July 2023

Feeling Pretty Clever

Watching some of the sturm und drang around Twitter and now Threads...

Reading about people rage quitting Twitter for a long while...

Bracing for the rage quits from Threads...

I feel so damn clever for never making a Twitter account in the first place.


  1. blogs like yours are my social media...no twitter, facebook, instagram...meh...panzer guy

  2. Early reports are Threads and Instagram are two halves of a whole, you can't delete a Threads account without deleting the associated Instagram account too. So glad I've stayed off social media.

  3. I share that clever feeling.

    Whenever I feel the need to put up a Twatter post, I simply hack the template, say WhateverTF I want, and never have to worry about hundreds of bot ragers, nor Twatter's asinine bans.


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