12 July 2023

The Siren's Call

Juxtaposed with the student loan balloon is the reason that people signed on to get an education that didn't appear to have a useful degree.

For a very long time a degree at all was your ticket in the door to a decent job that led to little difficulty in getting the American dream going.

The economy was doing well enough that all that was needed was a filter to show that the candidate wasn't a quitter who could see something to conclusion and a degree in navel lint weaving met that.

And as long as the economy did well, these graduates could get jobs.

And they did.

And they are in the comments, right now, saying, "I paid my loans back!" and "They signed a contract, they owe the money!"

But what kept people signing up for a degree in navel lint weaving when such degrees without any experience to back them were, obviously, no longer leading to jobs that would pay back the loans which were now three to five times larger than the person in the comments took out.

Constantly hearing that people with a college degree, over their lifetime, made up to five times what someone who did not.

While blithely ignoring the 5,000 sq ft house the local plumber and construction contractor owned outright...

That constant push to go to college starts in middle school.  High school is entirely college prep without any regard to getting someone into the trades.

Ask Mike Rowe.

We're running short of people in lots of places.  Welders.  Mechanics.  Plumbers.

Those skills aren't complicated, but they are hard.

How's this for size?  We give an apprenticeship to anyone in default on their student loans for welding, mechanic, plumbing... etc... any trade with a shortage; and forgive their loan if they can stay employed for five years doing that trade.

Give companies who hire them a tax incentive too.

Remember a tax-paying worker who can buy goods is better than financially crippling someone for life; and this results in a net-positive for society rather than a negative.


  1. Excellent ideas and far more useful than a lot of what is likely to happen... But former NCO, so industrial grade cynicism I have. So long as they come from Congress, I can't see many good reasons to oppose it. But I'm not a politician and so I really do not know what happens up there... Also, I'm a little unclear why when having complete majorities in the House and Senate along with the Presidency the Dems did not simply push it through correctly. They had to know that what they were doing was not legal and unless there is a reason many did not want to goo on record for or against this, why when they had complete control did they not just do this? But again, cynicism and ignorance of how things work out there...

    1. It's the exact same reason that with both houses of congress and the white house the Republicans don't touch a list of things we'd like to see them do.

      If they solve the problem, they can't pander for our votes.


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