29 July 2023

This Climate Is Just Right

Software Janitor, in the comments, asks what is it about the climate just this second that makes it preferable to one that's a degree hotter or colder?

Well, nothing.

A slightly warmer climate, which we had in Florida until the 1970's, allowed for pineapples and citrus to be grown as far North as Gainesville.

The frost line moving south drove citrus ever further south and took out pineapple farming here almost altogether.

While it was a disaster for the farmers of those fruits, life went on.  Other crops replaced them.

The catestrophic anthropogenic global climate change people act as if the small change they predict will eliminate all life on the planet.

It won't.

It has been, historically, both hotter and colder than the direst predictions of the climate change alarmists.  Life, including human life, went on.

It has been far warmer and far colder pre-historically and human life kept going.

I'm not worried about the weather or the climate.

Climate change must be expected when you live next to a main sequence variable star.

Considering the "record" temperatures of the 1990's coincide with the most active cycle of the sun we ever measured...  Do you think it might be the sun?  The "ice ages are returning" winters of the 1970's coincide with a very inactive cycle of the sun too.

There's a land-locked shipyard in England from the middle ages.  Sea levels are lower from when that place was in business, but it proves that we were perfectly capable of living through higher sea levels and temperatures.

But we also have to remember that there's several places where the sea levels are getting lower and higher but the amount of liquid water isn't changing.

It changed, but that was thousands of years ago.  The ice is long melted, but the sea levels are still changing...

Because the land itself is rising and falling!  The glaciers that were pushing down on Canada also caused the land around Greenland to rise.

Now that the glaciers are gone, the crust is slowly rebounding and northern Canada is rising and Greenland is sinking.

Mean sea level is the same...

PS: If the assholes who're pushing climate change so hard really believed it; they wouldn't own anything below 75' MSL or outside two narrow bands of latitude.

They would also drastically reduce THEIR carbon emissions and stop living in gigantic houses and flittering around in private jets.

They would advocate for nuclear power.

I'll take it serious when they do.


  1. Un-possible! I've been assured by climate change chicken littles on more than one instance that the sun has "nothing to do with temperatures on earth". And how dare I suggest it does or that catastrophic climate change isn't being caused strictly by humans, and more specifically is all the fault of the US. The "science is settled" and unquestionable. It's 110% proven! You've got to just accept it because the concept of testing hypothesis in the scientific method is outdated and you should just skip directly to making conclusions.

  2. Liberals hate it when I point out that the Earth's climate has been changing since God said "Let there be light"...or the Big Bang happened (pretty much the same, isn't it?)

    *But this time is DIFFERENT! you Christophile!*

  3. I've said myself that I'll take the climate change hysterics seriously when they start yelling for more nuclear power plants.


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