11 July 2023

Mission Accomplished

Oil pressure sensor/switch and associated basket filter have been replaced.

No leak from the sensor, no codes.

Well...  One code.  This DTC sets a "permanent" code that you can't clear with a scanner that clears itself after 40 cycles of the problem being fixed.

Being able to figure out what's wrong and fix it is a wonderful thing.

Even if there's an hours long struggle to get a plug unplugged because they can't be arsed to figure out clearances for repairs.

I hesitate to think what this would have cost if I didn't have tools.

I am also thankful that this wasn't a failure in The Precious.  You're taking that intake off on a C5 or C6 unless you're willing to cut the cowl overhanging the back of the engine.

It's so inaccessible that a couple companies make a braided steel line that screws into the boss on the valley-plate and lets you put the sensor/switch/sender someplace you can more readily get at it.  They charge $125 for it and it's worth it!




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