09 July 2023

Private Screening

Got the first two panels of screen replaced on the back porch!

Like ten more to go, but we've the process started.

Ran out of daylight because, of course, had the wrong size splines for our frames.

0.190" was too small, despite being the size the online guide said to use for our slots.  0.220" turned out to be correct.  Lost half an hour of valuable work time going to get 200' of the larger size.

Should be able to seriously dent the remaining panels on Sunday.

This job was delayed by Harvey getting hurt and then piling excuse after excuse to not get started.

Well, we're started now!


  1. I hope your wife's injury was minor.


    1. She broke her shoulder last year and had to have two surgeries to fix it. She's just getting to the point where she can do this kind of stuff again.


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