15 July 2023

Dear Hollywood Studios

I stand with you!

You can outlast these writers and actors.

Be strong.

Like you, I can hold out until they all have to get honest work.

I will get by on my DVD collection while we wait them out.


  1. Hear! Hear!

    First, the studios have to understand that the reason no one cares is the exact woketarded writers and actors they've hired, and the woketarded studio execs who greenlighted such an asinine and lackluster slate of pictures for going on ten years.

    Kind of like any baseball strike, when you're wondering if they weren't some way both sides could lose.

    Tom Cruise, meanwhile, cranks out a Top Gun sequel and M.I. follow-ups, and is laughing all the way to the bank.
    Right behind Vin Diesel, Clint Eastwood, and Mel Gibson, every time any one of them feels like making a picture.

    Enlightened entertainment aficianados and producers might consider that a major clue.

  2. It's an opportunity for independent filmmakers to write their own scripts, hire non-union actors and now that the prices of professional grade movie production gear is the cheapest it has ever been, and there are so many avenues for digital distribution... It is time to break the Hollywood monopoly.

    I don't bleed for the studios any more than the woketard writers and actors. They are all trying to shove their political ideals that would enslave all humanity under their ideal new world order of pseudo socialist/communist oppression on us. They can all F themselves.

    Their stranglehold on entertainment needs to end.

  3. i'm watching get smart...think i care if they ever come back?...panzer guy...

  4. Yup, the past 5 years have been re-makes of better made movies (but CGI and special effects are better than original !). When they went Woke though, I threw in the towel. I don't mind the characters so much as having Right Think hammered into the dialogue so much.



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