31 July 2023

It's A Race!

While we will certainly die in the dark if the private jet using climate warriors win:

It is a toss up whether we will starve or freeze first.

John "Three Purple Hearts" Kerry, private jet aficionado and long-time not-really-but-really luxury yacht owner, says we need to eliminate agriculture to achieve Gaea-Nirvana.

I am starting to think the best way to save the planet is to for these people to disappear.

The current press for electric vehicles sure feels like a precursor to taking away the food because the people will be pre-trapped where they are when the charging stations are cut off a couple of weeks before the food.

Can't take the pitchforks and torches to them if you can't get near them.


  1. There is definitely a plan from the far left to force austerity and usher in their takeover to rule in a Soviet/CCP modeled government. As you've noted, electric cars that they can shut down remotely if they want to, or close down the charging stations is part of the plan.

  2. they have a goal...you will own nothing and you will like it...no travel, no meat, no pets, just existing until they decide there are too many of us and they release the next plandemic...they are evil evil evil...panzer guy

  3. At the very least, hybrid vehicles should be getting pushed far harder than 100% EV. We have no where near the right infrastructure to go full time EV. Hybrids would allow infrastructure to catch up, also allowing the the old gas hold-outs a bit of relief from competition.

    Maybe that relief is what they are trying to avoid. Kick them and hurt them while you can.



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