30 July 2023

Some Facebook Car Group Observations

If you want someone to reply, "oh that sucks, you must really be bummed," instead of people trying to help you figure out how to fix it:

Get a girlfriend and unsubscribe from a hot-rodder technical group.

Don't be a dick.

If you're selling something, put your price where you mention you're selling it.  Don't make the customer guess.  If you failed to name a price in the post, when they ask, "how much?" just answer.  Don't be coy.

Don't be a dick.

It doesn't matter that you paid $11k for the car and dropped another $8k on mods.  If the make/model is worth $9k now, then the $19k you spent is a $10k loss; UNLESS YOU FIND THAT ONE PERSON WHO WAS PLANNING ON BUYING A STOCK EXAMPLE FOR $11K AND DOING THE EXACT SAME $8K OF MODS YOU DID!  That person is almost never found outside your own mirror.

Don't be a dick.

Related to the above, none of your mods have warranties.  That means they're not positive selling points.  Mods are, almost by their very definition, more prone to breaking than the OEM part.  Even if you used OEM parts from a different model in the same manner as the other model.

Don't be a dick.

Unless you got lucky and your car is the '57 Chevy of its day and it's become a highly sought collectable, you're going to lose money just owning it.  Even more modding it.

And, most importantly, don't be a dick!

1 comment:

  1. "Unless you got lucky and your car is the '57 Chevy of its day and it's become a highly sought collectable, you're going to lose money just owning it. Even more modding it."

    It is why I try to avoid a 'custom knife' purchase unless the modification makes the knife perform better. Value by adding to appearance only only effects people who like *bling*.

    I have an aquaintance attempting to sell a Honda motorcycle which engine was bored out for extra power. Allows this particular motorcycle (750 cc) to keep up with the larger bikes on the highway (why they like to cruise doing 90+ mph is beyond me. That won't buff out if an accident happened, no matter who made your helmet !). I tried explaining why the modification may create problems down the road but he won't hear it and I dropped it not wanting to cause him any extra stress. Selling a used motorcycle isn't easy, it seems like the majority of buyers want it to flip it and want it for bottom dollar, mod costs be damned.

    Good post sir.



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