22 July 2023

Is It?

A nipple I like to twist, from time to time, is the idea that an MMORPG is NOT a role playing game at all.

MMORPG are video games.

Despite the RPG being part of the name, there is no role-playing going on.

The problem I have is quantifying WHY a table top game with IS and the video game ISN'T!

For me it's the lack of boundaries and the ability to attempt anything on the tabletop versus the narrow restrictions of the video game.

The video game is just a playing piece with move/attack/defense scores and a different special effect based on your piece's class.

The table-top has those scores as well, but you can try anything you can articulate, including tricking the bad-guy verbally into defeat, rather than killing them.

It's ephemeral.


  1. Actually, I see your point and I can't say I entirely disagree. MMOs can be fun, but they often lack the interpersonal element, even if you are playing with other people you know and chatting, etc. It's still not the same as the "old ways".

  2. baldur's gate series, icewind dale series, about as close as you can get?...maybe...not the same as a bunch of tards eating pizza in the basement but still fun...panzer guy


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