29 July 2023

Cue The "What About China?" Dancers

Absolutely nothing the US or Europe does to eliminate carbon emissions will have any effect unless China does the same thing.

They show no signs of abandoning reliable forms of energy or reducing consumption, so even if the US were to completely return to pre-historic energy sources...

There'd still be carbon emissions from China.

It sure doesn't seem like China believes this shit is true.

But I think what's really going on is we're offshoring our emissions like we offshored the industries and jobs.

It makes us appear virtuous and good while not giving up the products and lifestyles afforded by the pollution we sent elsewhere.

I don't even believe that we needed to send those industries elsewhere, because the means of reducing the pollution were all, essentially, one-time costs rather than ongoing costs.

It was a virtue signal.

Like all virtue signals it does nothing about the thing it claims to solve.


  1. It isn't the first time we've offshored our polution issues. The left likes to talk up how effective auto emission controls have been in reducing smog in the LA area. However, I've seen data that shows that the amount of reduction directly matches the loss of manufacturing industries in the area. And worse, the Baja California area where a lot of those plants went shows the same proportional increase in air quality that LA has experienced improvement. Suggesting that the change in LA has a lot less to do with cars than what libtards want people to believe. And elimination of gas and diesel vehicles that California aims to do in the next 20 years may not make the improvements they think. Especially if power is coming from sources like natural gas. Without widespread imposition of austerity I don't think California will ever have the electric generation to make the shift especially without still relying on at least some fossil fuels.

  2. Hey Angus,

    I wouldn't be surprised if the Red Chinese is funding all these groups because it "hurts The Big Satan" and the west. China is playing the long game and setting themselves up for dominance economically or in a war.


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