22 July 2023


OMG this show did not age well.

I wonder if the shine of "it's the only Sci Fi on" has faded when it's not the only sci-fi available to me.

The practical effects are still top notch.  Hensen would be proud.

The story and the plot in the first season...

I liked this?

I looked forward to this?

I was upset when we had to chose between cable and food and I lost access to this?

Clearly I was retarded.

I worry, now, that I am still retarded.

How would I know?

Don't answer.

I don't wanna know.


  1. It's not bad. And Aeryn Sun (Claudia Black) and (Chiana) Gidi Hedgley were hot in it. Beat out Seven of Nine any day.

    Now, there's Andromeda, which is a weird follow-up to the Star Trek universe after the 'Federation' collapses for a thousand years, kind of. Also kind of good, but...

    Then there's "SeaQuest DSV" of which I looked forward to, which turned out to be just a modernized "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" including all the bad acting and stupid bullscat, except applied to environmentalism. Still stupidly large underwater creatures, same stupid super-sub...

    Heck, I used to wait for the next episode of "Earth 2." Talk about a dog of a show.

    Then there's "rEvolution," which was a piece of carp dystopian future show that revolved around all the man-made electricity being shut off at once, which turned out to be because some smart brainiacs were suffering from weird sicknesses due to electric fields (and only a handful of people were affected) so the aforementioned brainiacs shut the world off using nano-machines that apparently didn't work on electricity. So 10 years in the future we see people using black powder weapons, steam trains, yada yada yada. Like it would be sooo much better for humans and the environment to go back to the age of steam, yeah, right. And the aforementioned brainiacs could have just built a network of faraday cages to hide under, but, no, if they have to suffer the world has to suffer. This show was a favorite of my wife. Made me gag, especially when the reason the power was shut off was revealed.

    Bad science fiction - Questor Tapes, 6 Million Dollar Man, The Bionic Woman, any Star Trek after Deep Space 9 (yeah, including Discovery, which bit the big one, and Enterprise which started strong but ended weak.) Then there's absolute dogsqueeze sci-fi like "Zoo" where the animals evolve rapidly to fight back against humans (like bats that can survive in Antarctica, or bears that develop armor... and we can thank James (hwack-ptoooieee) Patterson for that pile of garbage.

    Heck, back when I was very young there was a show about a Gemini capsule that landed on one planet after another as the two pilots were lost in space, think Gilligan's Island but in space.

    And then "Lost in Space" and just about every main stream sci-fi show...


    1. Maybe I’m just being a dick, but all the electrical generation, except for hydro, solar and wind, generates electricity using STEAM. So we are still in the Age of Steam!

  2. 80's and 90's was some campy chit...panzer guy...


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