27 July 2023

How Much

Seller: PM me if there's something you want.

Me: How much for those two things?

Seller: How much do you want to pay?

Me: I want you to fucking tell me how much you want to sell them for so I can decide if I want to spend that much.  You're selling, set a price or go away.


  1. I want them for free, what is the least you will take?

  2. They blocked me and pulled the ad.

    1. Sounds like you have experienced the normal way of business with Fakebook Marketplace. Up here about 50% of the adverts are hooks, they are not really selling, just want your information or worse, for you to show up with cash for fleecing purposes. The favorite hook is to price a car or some other shiny object that looks new at a very low value, when ask to go see it before making a decision, the story suddenly becomes.... "well the _________ is in California (or at least 2 states over), I am selling it for a friend, won't be here for a month" etc. To the point I no longer waste any time unless the seller is literally within a 5 mile radius of my home. Anything that says "free" never is.

    2. I've run into similar seller shenannigans... and it isn't much better if you are trying to sell stuff on there. Half the time people are trying to run the same old scams... I'll send you a cashier's check for more than the amount, you send me the rest of the money back and ship the item to me... The check is always bogus and doesn't bounce until it is too late and the item and the extra money is gone... So not only do they get your item for free, they got the extra cash too. I've never fallen for that but I've heard of lots of people who have. The latest scams are usually with Zelle or some other online payment. Apparently with Zelle they can show money transferred somehow and then claw it back when it is too late to stop shipment. I personally won't sell anywhere like that.

      And if they want to try to fleece me on an in person cash deal... that might not go so well for them.

      Anyway the old saying if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. More true than ever. Caveat Emptor.

    3. Can't remember now if I remembered to sign that one...

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. the logic of some people makes me wonder how are we still here...panzer guy

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