10 July 2023

Phenominally Bad At This

A study suggests that Russia has lost about 50,000 men killed since the beginning of their special military operation just 500 days ago (100 per day).

The US estimates are putting Ukrainian losses at about a 2:5 ratio for the Russians, meaning they've got 20,000 corpses and a loss rate of about 40 per day.

Ten years of Vietnam only got The US 58,000 and change killed (16 per day). 

Twenty years of Afghanistan didn't break 2,500 dead (1 every three days).

They're losing men in Ukraine almost the same rate we did in WW1 (80 per day)!

Holy fuck!

To be fair, they're doing a lot better than the 4,021 per day the USSR did in WW2.  We lost 185 per day in the same war...


Except they lost less than 5 per day when they went to Afghanistan...

Less than 23 per day in 1st Chechnya.

About 4 per day in 2nd Chechnya.

I seem to recall the losses in Afghanistan and Chechnya were huge political problems in Russia.

Those were tiny compared to Ukraine.


  1. Russia's loses are according to the U.S.Government, so are Ukraine's. Sorry , I don't believe the U.S.Government.

    1. Russia and Ukraine's losses according to the US Gov't are about half what this study claims. 50 and 10 a day respectively if the Gov't is correct.

      This study appears to use better methodology than what the "official" numbers suppose.

      Russia, of course, is not being cooperative with figuring out how many troops it's sent into the grinder. Nor is Ukraine.

    2. It is funny how you can depend on the US Gov't lying with their numbers... and it is usually reporting about 1/2 what the real number is (or twice). For example if they say the inflation rate is 4% you can bet it is really 8% and if they report the unemployment rate is 9%, you can bet it is really 18%. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this study is right and Russia is losing twice the number in casualties that the US Gov't says. The Russian government lies even worse, I'm sure they are telling people there that all those soldiers are going off to a happy summer camp to eat ice cream and sing campfire songs.

  2. Butbutbut..."ROOTINFORPUTIN! Eleventy! Times (((Zelensky)))!!"

    The folks who wrote that study must be mistaken, you see, because it doesn't fit the Kneejerk Narrative.

    Bearing well in mind those who raise that objection are the same folks that assured one and all that Alec Baldwin was going down for hard time, based on their extensive knowledge of the law, at the same school they learned geopolitics and military strategy, which predicted a three-day offensive to capture and subjugate Kiev.

    I think we've figured out that the actual equation in play here is Gell-Mann times Dunning-Kruger.


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