07 July 2023

Pull The Other One It Has Bells

You can convince me that 2023 is the hottest summer on record when you can explain how in 1931 the high in Monticello, FL was 109° on 29 June 1931 and 91° 92 years later.

18° cooler is not "hottest" ever.

Keokuk, Iowa was a mere 94° last year when it topped 118° in 1934.

24° cooler!

Global warming is a fucking scam.


  1. I had a 'disagreement' with one of my wife's docs about how hot it was this year here in my area. He swears, according to the media, that it is the hottest ever. No, 1986 was hotter. Days over 100 by July, usually not consecutive, fortunately. Except for August where there was a week or more of over 100.

    But looking at the official listed records, that summer didn't happen. Queer, isn't it, how real records disappeared, almost like someone is pushing an agenda or something.

    It's like that meme that shows European weather from the 90's where the temps are all in green, while last year's temps were all in reds, even though last year was cooler than the 90's. Hmmmm...

  2. The climate change chicken littles like to cherry pick numbers to make an illusion of supporting their claims. And they've been caught outright making up and falsifying data before. Not to mention that most of the time they intentionally misrepresent or misinterpret data. They are definitely pushing an agenda. They want forced austerity, and the real reason behind that is an excuse to impose their totalitarian soviet/CCP style one world government on everyone. They want to eliminate private ownership of motorized conveyances and make everyone dependent on government owned public transit systems. They want to eliminate single family homes and make everyone tenants of government owned mass housing. They will chip away at it peice by peice -- banning internal combustion vehicles so they can force electric vehicles that they can enable o disable at their whim, and that nobody will be able to work on. They will ban gas stoves, then gas heating systems and fireplaces, making everyone dependent on the electric grid that they will control. They will shut down the supply chains and nationalize businesses so they can control what you will be able to buy. They will force a "plant based" or "alternative protein" (bugs) diet. All this in the name of "saving the planet". And solidifying the rule of the few elite. This is what the powers that be on the left want -- and the useful idiots will blindly follow. And as always, be the first up against the wall when the revolution comes. Because they can't be allowed to say "hey, wait a minute, this isn't the utopia we signed up for!".

  3. The ecomorons and news media sensationalists are at it big time this year. There are lots of stories around here about how this is the "hotest year ever". Yes, it's Hot... It is Texas after all.. But hottest ever? Not even close. Yes, we've seen quite a few record temperatures, but that's not the same thing. We're nowhere near 2011, when we saw 90 days in a row of 100+ degree temperatures and 100 days over 90 degrees. We're also nowhere near the drought level that was recorded in the 1950s.

    At the same time other places are seeing below normal temps. But as I said before, they like to cherry pick only the data that supports them and ignore anything that doesn't/.

    It's pretty clear that the libtards can't let the truth get in the way of their agenda.



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