26 July 2023

Apology To (Some) Bicyclists

If you are riding your bike and not blocking traffic, I have no problem with you being on the road.

I am sorry if my rant offended you.

There's actually plenty of room for you on the margin and space for me to hug the centerline so everyone avoids being damaged.

In most places there's even laws about how a bicycle should be using a public roadway.

Here's a bit of context to my rant.

Shitheads like Critical Mass, however, don't obey those laws and count on their numbers to chill objections to their blocking entire roads for miles while they travel at well under the speed limit.  Well under the minimum speed limit, as a matter of fact.

Then there's the cyclist who wants to use the rules for being a pedestrian as well as a vehicle; but only those rules which benefit their present behavior.  You've seen what I'm talking about.  They're a vehicle when they occupy the entire lane.  But they're a pedestrian when they have to obey traffic signs.

But on top of it, they're assholes.

Big enough assholes that it's getting dangerous for polite cyclists to be out and about.


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  3. As one of those motorcycle riders, the best description I've ever heard of the difference between motorcycle riders and bike riders was: "Bike riders assume everyone else on the road is responsible for their safety and will do everything to avoid them. Motorcycle riders assume everyone else on the road is a hired assassin trying to kill them"... In my experience there are a lot of idiots out there driving (N Texas seems to be particularly bad), and as the one on the motorcycle there is no functional difference between "idiot" and "assassin" :-) But just my opinion per usual...

    1. My Dad, when he taught me to ride a motorcycle, said, "Assume you're invisible to 90% of people driving. Also assume that half the people who CAN see you are actively trying to hit you. You will not know which is which until they hit you, so just act like they're trying to kill you and you should be OK."

  4. I, like you, don't mind those who actually follow traffic and pedestrian laws.

    Scofflaws? Eh, when they get hit, they should be liable for any and all damages to any party involved. I'd even go so far as to allow the onlookers to sue the bicyclist for any and all pain and suffering from watching said idiot get plastered.

    Actions should have consequences.

    Regular mopes riding bikes are bad enough. But the Spandex Mafia? There should be a bounty if they are violating the laws and achieving assholeness.

  5. Cyclists riding responsibly (all three of them in any of the 50 states) are never the problem.

    Make road-hogging by bicyclists (i.e. anyone not riding single file in all circumstances, without exception) an open hunting season offense, with no bag limit and zero consequences for motor vehicle operators, even if they plow through an entire pack at speed, and the problem will self-correct in days.
    The mean IQ of surviving cyclists will also improve markedly.


  6. For your consideration, a term from the European side of the pond: Lycra Louts.



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