18 July 2023

Not Today Mr ATF Man

Facebook, helpfully, keeps offering links to Temu to buy "fuel filters" which are obviously sound suppressors.

I know it's a suppressor.  You know it's a suppressor.  The ATF will sure as shit know it's a suppressor.

But I have an absolutely unreasonable desire to find a way to put it to innocent use on my car.

Just like the ad says it's for!

The best I've been able to come up with is a catch can to capture vapor from the PCV system.  The baffles would help to condense the vapors...

But I wont.  There's many better catch can designs out there which don't get you into potential trouble with the government.

I am also curious if that thing comes with instructions explaining how you install it as a fuel filter.  UNC threads are not the best solution for holding pressure...  NPT is far better.


  1. 1 they might overlook...2 or more and they will be knocking on your door... panzer guy

    1. there are youtube videos of guys who buy these "filters" for trucks and cars and guess who shows up after they order 6...panzer guy

    2. Worse, I saw a YouTube video of the Feds showing up because a guy bought two cases of actual oil filters, because he did diesel engine work on the side and they thought he was making suppressors. The amount of big brother is upsetting

    3. I just googled and found the video I think you are talking about. The sheer stupidity of some people in government is only outdone by the amount of evil overreach by authorities. Seriously... BATFE needs to be abolished. THEY may just be the biggest threat to Democracy.

  2. BATFE stooping to entrapment??? Say it ain't so!

    1. Randy Weaver has entered the chat room. ;)

    2. The FBI didn't do anything to me either, but I didn't get a huge check from it.


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