13 July 2023

Satire That Hits A Bit Too Close To Home?


Kinda makes you wish that both sides could lose, don't it?



  1. Both sides? Like the USA crushed as well as Russia?

    Wow the World Economic Forums wet dream fulfilled

    1. Ukraine and Russia being both sides.

      I typed that really slow so you could follow it.

      Lemme know if I need to rephrase in monosyllables if that was too complicated.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Me use too big word. You not read good. Me not let you post now. You not got smart to read here.

  2. I continue to take Ukraine's side, if only because I don't want Russia getting strong again. A lot of people are reminded of the run-up to WWII, when Hitler or Stalin would grab some territory, promise that this was the last that they would grab, and then go on and grab some more. I see the Ukraine war as the Winter War redux, but with lots of outside aid coming to the good guys' side this time.

    Howling about Ukraine being corrupt does not impress me particularly. Just about all the ex-SSRs of the USSR have corruption, and considering what goes on in our own blue cities and states, I don't think we in the US have much room to talk. At least Zelensky got elected legitimately.


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