29 July 2023

The Power Of The Purse

The longer the writer's and actor's strike goes, the less money Hollywood will get from the consumer.

The less money Hollywood and its herd of dancing monkeys have, the less they will have to spend interfering in our lives by paying politicians.

Without that revenue stream, the politicians will stop listening to what a small cadre of dancing monkeys wants.

Power returns to the people!

Keep the strike going!

For Democracy!


  1. Frankly there is such a backlog of things I haven't seen yet that we could go for years with no new content and it wouldn't greatly inconvenience me. And what I'd love to see is a rise in independent and non-union created content. Content created in places other than California and New York. Content not pandering to the left. This is an opportunity for the small time people to get a break. Unknown actors, script writers, directors, producers. The time is right for it because equipment to produce professional quality movies and TV is as affordable as it ever has been. And like craft beer has given us options... and diversity (in this case a GOOD thing) in tastes... "Craft" movies and TV... could inroduce new ideas. Hollywood has really been in a rut lately before this even... lots of copycat movies and banal sequels. It would be great to have some whole new takes on entertainment.


    1. It's worse than that.
      Hollywood isn't pandering to the Leftards here. It's pandering to the communists and hate-America trolls in the entire rest of the world.

      You're correct about the technical means of production being widespread. If you have a good 4K video camera, a decent microphone and recording device, and a non-linear editing program on a laptop, right this minute (which is about $4-5K, tops, of investment) you can be everything Warner Bros. or Sony is, from a technical standpoint.

      But just like with MLB or the NFL, most unknown writers, actors, directors, etc., are unknown for a reason: because they suck. Or because they're too green at it to have gotten good.

      And it takes a lot of people holding your hand, so to speak, to make a movie look good. If you get an A-list crew, you could make a monkey a director, and get well-deserved Oscars for the work that comes out the other end.
      By the same token, you can put A-list writers and actors on a project, and hire a high school theater class to make your movie, and it will look like ass, produced by a high school theater department.
      I've seen examples of both, firsthand.

      This is why the people who play at the big league level both in front of, and behind, the cameras are concentrated in Hollyweird and NYFC. Other areas have a smattering. But you try playing in the big leagues with amateurs, and you have idiot amateurs handling weapons, they give the actor a loaded gun, and next thing you know, your Director of Photography is dead.

      That doesn't happen with professionals.

      The strike is killing an industry, and not just any industry. It's the quintessentially American art form. Greeks and Shakespeare owned plays; Italy owns operas, the Dutch and Italians own painting, Germany and Austria have the symphony, but America owns cinema and television like no one else in the world. India makes more movies, but nobody but Indians see them. Gilligan's Island and Star Trek are in 162 countries, and still running now, somewhere, every minute of the day.

      There's plenty of room for fresh takes from outside the Leftard echo chamber, and I wish the Right would take a hint, because everything, including politics, is downstream from culture.

      But it isn't happening, and most non-union product looks exactly like Amateur Hour, in every possible way.
      Just like there are only so many people who can play in the NBA, there are only so many people with Olympic levels of talent as actors, writers, and producers.
      And the behind-the-camera crafts take years of apprenticeship to develop.

      If I heard that people who weren't frothing left-wing moonbats were cranking out content to steal audience share from Hollywood, I'd be ecstatic.
      But that's not happening, because the Right is more retarded about this than you can imagine.

      So all the strike is doing is killing the local economy (and that's people who run dry cleaners, restaurants, gas stations, and building supply yards), and pissing away both a license to print money for the American economy, and also lose the chance to influence the world.
      That vacuum will happily be filled by people who hate you, me, and everything we hold dear, from places far away from Hollywood.

      That isn't helping anyone.

    2. Thought this might interest you. Full disclosure, I contributed to the Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1000347150/rogue-elements-a-ryan-drake-short-film?ref=discovery&term=rogue%20elements

  2. haven't been to the "movies" in couple years...haven't even bought a dvd in a bit...hollywood can eat a bag richards...panzer guy

  3. Good article by John Nolte over at Breitbart on the underlying economics: https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2023/07/29/nolte-6-reasons-hollywoods-in-real-trouble-this-time/

    1. John Nolte is a holdout of quality analysis at Brietbart. He is to entertainment writing what Thomas Sowell is to economics. The article linked is pure gold, and his conclusions are rock solid.
      They also underline the sad truth:
      It's impossible to correctly short entertainment stocks, because Hollywood can't even see the bottom it's going to fall to from where they are.
      But they're going to find it, face-first.


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