23 July 2023

Not Every Hero Wears A Cape

Buy one of these

Attach it to your car somehow.

Park your normal, internal combustion, car in a charging station spot.

"Plug" the charger into the fake port.

Go enjoy the rest of your day.

Free parking because you aren't using any electricity!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Bonus win: You're blocking some other virtue-signaling Green Weenie from using the charging station.

  3. am i just half as evil as you because i'm laughing...really hard...panzer guy...

  4. That is such an awesome idea...

  5. The only charging station around here is at the mall, hundred yards from the front door. I don't go to the mall, ever.

  6. Love it! People are gonna freak when they see my 1999 Silverado juicing up. I'll be the smartest engine Tech in town.

  7. For bonus points attach it to your gas cap so you open the door and look like an EV conversion


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