03 July 2023

What Does 5d+2x2 pi+ Look Like

Slow Mo Guys and Kentucky Windage answer!

Wee ha!

For the effects on a T-Rex in GURPS see this finely crafted link.


  1. impressive amount of power...panzer guy

  2. I'm sure anything that has a lot of mass and speed would be impressive three feet from the gel.

  3. Tex of the "Black Pants Legion" did a pretty darn good YouTube video about a mod to a game called Xenonaughts (XCom basically) where a friend of his put a lot of "odd" weapons into the game for him. Whale guns for one, but he is a gunsmith and goes into some pretty interesting detail about these sort of weapons and the potential use against, say alien invaders. Good enough to take down the big 5 in Africa, it seems like a decent starting place against "whatever" comes out of a space ship to invade Earth...


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