29 July 2023

Unalloyed Joy

The Boy, like many boys of his mental age, loves dinosaurs.

Jurassic Quest is in town, so I suggested to Harvey that we go.

We even shanghaied Marv into it.

$112 for the four of us.

If it were not for the happy-awed look on The Boy's face seeing those life-size recreations of dinosaurs, I'd have said it was a massive rip off.

Fun, but overpriced.

I liked seeing these critters in person full sized.

The Brontosaur Apatosaur seemed smaller than my mind said it should and a couple of the ceratopsians were a lot smaller than I'd thought.

Triceratops set the size for a ceratops in my head.  There are several species that are smaller, even much smaller, like the brachyceratops.  Brachyceratops probably isn't even its own critter, they're likely juvenile styracosaurs.

We had fun, making the gigantic rip-off worth it.

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