27 July 2023

Look For The Union Label

Looks like the Teamsters have killed off Yellow Trucking Company in order to make UPS knuckle under.

Yellow is taking $700 million of your tax dollars with them to the grave.

Slow clap.

This story is going to repeat until something manages to break the union's paradigm that the economy is expanding at 15% with 3% or less inflation.  It's not and they need to Grok that in its fullness.

The Teamsters really wanna make their demands possible?  They should lean on their bought-and-paid-for politicritters to allow drill-baby-drill and get us back to energy independence and fuck the greenies.

That will reduce costs, increase profits and let the shippers actually have enough revenue and profits to pass the largesse to their union workers.


  1. Oh, great. Killed off one of the largest freight forwarders for big stuff and large quantities.

    And this is why I hate modern unions. They do nothing for their membership and only exist to line the pockets of leadership and the DNC.

  2. Over 20 years ago, in generally less messed up times my first wife worked for Yellow for a brief time. She really hated it, but I think it was just that job (taking freight orders over the phone) and not the company as a whole.

    Somehow this seems like it is backfiring on the Teamsters. Putting 22k of their members out of work to try to screw UPS. Not really a good look for them.

    I agree about reducing fuel costs, that along with high equipment costs which is also related to petroleum prices as well as supply chain issues are some of a shipping company's biggest expenses. As you say reducing an employers costs increases their ability to pay workers. But IBT, like most unions has consistently backed far leftie libtard politicians, even when doing so probably screws their members.

    1. The issue is the management of the unions back far leftie libtard politicians, while the members decidedly do not. Same with the auto unions, government unions (hwack-ptoooiee) and pert near any other unions.

      Even the various grange associations that have right wing members tend to back leftist POS politicians.

      It's built into the system.

    2. It's a notorious example of Bureaucratic Capture.
      Leftists want power and will go wherever they can to get it.
      Large organizations are a HUGE target of theirs - not just media and politics, but almost all large companies as well as unions.
      They have shown multiple times that they care more about their agenda than their members or customers.

  3. That sucks for the employees and the Kansas City area.


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