26 July 2023

That's Not How It Works

Dear bicyclists;

The taxes you paid at the gas pump to maintain the roads are for the car you were filling up, not your bike.

You can tell by the license plate on your car that's not on your bicycle.

You may also notice that you are not required to carry insurance on your bicycle.

Which basically adds up to you not paying your fair share while you're obstructing traffic.

So, when you have to pay a road maintenance tax, carry insurance, have a license to operate it and register your bicycle, you can just fuck off.


  1. As a regular bicycle user I feel compelled to point out that in the US on average at leat 50% of each state's highway budget is from general fund rather than car specific sources like fuel tax, registration or property tax on vehicles. This does not excuse the anal orifices in the cycling camp but gives the lie to the "fair share" argument since the cold fact is non-drivers end up subsidizing car traffic.

    1. If a single one of them used that argument, I'd probably not have written my rant.

      They always, ALWAYS, tell me about their car or truck they filled up paying for the road they are currently blocking with their bike and 20 friends.

    2. Ah well that's just being a Richard Cranium and may they and their sanctimonious friends run through a thousand goat head thorns while experiencing chain suck.


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