10 July 2023

Prescription Med Shortage

I was reading an article about how many common medications are currently in short supply and how it's because China and India still have not bounced back from the Wu Ping Cough.

Well, by jingo!

I think it's high time we acknowledge that off-shoring all of these industries is a shitty long term plan and become industrious again.

Some judicious tinkering of minimum wage and union eligibility laws might even make such moves profitable.  We can even establish some needs based tests on welfare assistance and get some able bodied folks to working who aren't right now.

Or they can starve, I'm fine with that.

Hell, we can even incentivize these new workers with student loan carrots.  Getting these jobs and industries back home will probably more than offset the costs from forgiving the loans by getting these debtors to work and paying some taxes; and having money to spend on something besides their loan and (just perhaps) spending that money on products made by the company your boomer ass works for.

Oh, and geld the EPA bullshit for this national defense necessary industry.

It would work, that's why it will never be done.


  1. Could well work... I'd say not just the "emergency" things like meds, but a more general "on shoring" of manufacturing. But it has to get past the wall of MBAs and bought politicians who know for sure that outsourcing it all to China/wherever is the only way for a business to survive It does seem a really bad idea to have your enemy be the one who manufactures the bulk of your things should push come to shove at least...

  2. those in charge won't let it work...people can say what they want about orange man bad, but he saw this and was bringing companies back here for just this reason...even if we wanted to stay as the planets police man, how can you do that if everything you need and do is done overseas...we should be taking care of our own first, everyone else second...just my 2 cents...panzer guy


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