10 July 2023

Generous Vacation Package

When I first dropped off my application to renew my handicapped parking permit, my doctor was on vacation.

It took them a month to respond because she was gone for a month.

They declined my app twice, the second time putting the refusal in the mail before I could even have gotten home from the clinic.

So I scheduled an evaluation for today to be evaluated AGAIN to prove that I can't walk well.

She cancelled the appointment because she's sick.

The next appointment available is in August because she's going on vacation AGAIN for a month.

Must be nice.

Maybe I will have changed doctors by the time she gets back.


  1. Definitely good to be rid of that doctor. Making someone wait literally months is kind of inexcusable. What would happen if you had something potentially life threatening going on? It's bad enough causing you pain, but this kind of inattention could kill people.


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