01 February 2018


While it's not every machine gun owner, there is a contingent whom own them because of their amazing ability to appreciate value.

These wealthy people don't support a repeal of the NFA because their guns will lose value.

Some of those guns will plummet.

Some historical pieces will retain much of their former value because they're original and quite rare.

But has anyone tried to explain that the paper that allows their ownership might become quite valuable as a collector's item itself once NFA is repealed?

Without the NFA there will be no more Form 1 or Form 4 and their attendant stamps.  There's already damn few of these stamps out there, and without the need to have them near the gun, they could end up being very valuable to stamp collectors.

Defunct NFA stamps already have some collector value...

On the off chance that we do manage to repeal NFA, get your provenances in check to be able to say, "last stamp issued for the gun on the form 4".  Surely more collectable than the stamp the previous owner vacated!

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