06 January 2022

He's Both Right And Wrong

Chuck Schumer says he was targeted for his religion on January 6, 2021.

He's wrong in that he wasn't targeted and that he thinks the we hate him because he's Jewish.

We hate him because he's a gun-grabbing commie fascist.

Since communism is pretty much a religion, if he had been targeted, it would have been because of his worship of communism; thus targeting him for his religion.

I would like to remind the people who're still suffering from PTSD at the Capitol Grounds Incursion that had this been a real armed insurrection, the mob would have taken the capitol and a large number of the congress creatures present would not be here to have PTSD about it.

But changing the meanings of words to make things seem worse than they are is par for the Dem course.


  1. I don't think Chuck Schumer is even a practicing Jew. I've never heard anyone criticize him for being a Jew except other Jews actually. And they were complaining that his political beliefs don't fit with their interpretation of Jewish religious beliefs.

    1. Though it pains me to do so, I have to be fair to Chuck. To be attacked for being a Jew has very little to do with how observant you are as a Jew.

      Secular Jews get the same treatment as orthodox.

      But... It's irrelevant. He wasn't attacked AT ALL on Jan 6th last year, so the motive of the attack is impossible to determine.

  2. well, if the rumors about jews being money grubbing little fucks are true, he's a practicing jew...hahahaha...i don't like any of those assholes...and if see any more of those pussies they call capital police whining and crying like 2 year olds...they have to be the biggest pussies on the planet...bigger pussies than soccer players...like a bunch of tards from the short bus...panzer guy...


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