07 January 2022

Leading Horses To Water And All That

My buddy's children (16 and 17) have chosen to ignore my warnings about his family and how they are going to treat them.

Well, Ray, I tried.  You asked me to try and I did.

We both figured the attempt would end in failure.


  1. It makes me sad. But maybe someday they will figure it out.

  2. You tried. And when they come to you after they've been hurt and burnt, be nice to them. But be truthful and firm.

    1. Considering that Facebook is the only way they know how to get hold of me, I will never hear about them getting hurt and burnt.

      I realized that the only reason I was civil to any of these people in the first place was because of my friend. Without him, I've no reason to remain in contact at all now that they've made their choice about whom to listen to.

      My hands are washed of them.


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