11 September 2023

22 Years

22 years ago, this very moment, hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 was piloted by terrorists into the North tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.

To this day I do not think we've gotten our pound of flesh back for this.

I can think of a couple three places to pop nukes should something like this ever happen again.


  1. And there are still lots of people that don't believe that the airplanes took out the Towers and caused damage to the other towers or blew through the Pentagon or made just a big hole in the ground in Pennsylvania.


    And there's a place with the initials of S and A that needs some lightbulb treatment for sure.

  2. We should drop a nuke right on top of Mecca every year on 9/11. For good measure, Madina as well. I think to Bean's point, both of those are in SA.

    Israel should tear town the Mosques on the Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock and all the other Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem and re-build the Jewish Temple and expel all the trouble makers. If Israel needs labor we can supply them with as many people from south of the Rio Grande as they are willing to take. Plenty will sign on willingly for that if they're going to be paid. Good for them, good for us, good for Israel.

    Probably terrible for me to say all that... But frankly I am not sure I care, especially on 9/11.

    1. Er... according to Jewish tradition, if the Temple gets built again, it signifies the end of the world. Kinda like all those Christians who are actually looking forward to Jesus' second coming and the Rapture, as those events also signify the end of the world.

      Now, turn the mosque on Temple Mount into a museum of all things bad about islam? Oh, yeah. And take the Hagia Sophia back, along with Istanbul, and turn both into non-islamic places (which, if you take Istanbul, that includes the Hagia Sophia, but, you know, you get what I mean. Attaturk didn't want the Hagia as a mosque as that would be a tad bit too divisive amongst Christians, and he was right. Erdogan having muslim services there again is a sure sign he's trying to re-Ottoman Turkey, the jerk!

      I kinda like the whole kabba thingy, maybe get them at the height of the haj...

    2. And if anyone thinks I'm being anti-muslim, well, when bad Christians do bad things, most Christians actually say "That's bad, they're not acting Christian." When bad muslims do bad things, moderate muslims either stay silent or cheer. So...

  3. we should have made several glass parking lots...panzer guy

  4. Personally, on this day, I prefer to remember Rick Rescorla. He'd been in the British Army, came to the US and joined the US Army, served as an officer in Vietnam (they made the book We Were Soldiers Once and Young about his unit---he was badassed enough to make Colonel Kilgore look tame) and was in charge of security for one of the firms in the Twin Towers on 9-11. He got his people out, and was last seen going back up the tower to try to get more people out.

    "Valkyries on Vincents in leather and chrome
    Came a-riding from Valhalla just to carry him home."

    And in Valhalla, he'd be sitting at the same table with Audie Murphy and Simho Hayha.


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