11 September 2023

In Point Of Fact

No, you did not "do it in a small town."

You did it in your normal habitat, a large, Democrat controlled, city.

Chicago is hardly a small town.


  1. Pack them all up and send them to Cuba.

  2. If Communist countries are a better place to be, then why aren't the world's refugees flocking to them rather than the USA ? The USA isn't perfect by any means, but more opportunities to become better are easier to find here.


    1. That's always made me wonder... Especially when you consider the number of people who flee when they can from "worker's utopias" like China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, etc. And hardly anyone from the US or our allies in Europe seems to be trying to emigrate to those countries.

      Even more so... if the US is so terrible... Why are we seeing massive influxes of people from south of the border year, after year after year. If it was so terrible here, especially for poor people. Why do they keep coming?

  3. Commies are lying? Wow, you could have knocked me over with a sledgehammer.

    I think a wise frog said it best.

  4. All this fuss over a guy with a head like a pumpkin who sings really bad country music. -JKing.


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