18 September 2023

That'd Be Sweet

John Lott speculated that Hunter Biden's defense to the gun charges will be that background checks are unconstitutional.

It'll strange to be rooting for a Biden to win.


  1. Shows the complete and utter hypocracy of libtards when it comes to gun laws. They're all for them... up until it comes to enforcing them in a way that might be inconvenient for them. Like tagging the President's son... and possibly bringing down the President in a scandal. Because you know that if one of Trump's sons had been accused of the same thing that Hunter Biden is, the left would be calling for the death penalty.

    1. It's like the 2020 memes of Karens trying to buy guns and discovering the gun control they voted for appled to them. Since "the big guy" was a major player in the Senate in 93-94 that means anything gun or drug related that sticks to Hunter is daddy's law and big schadenfreude but if the Dems destroy gun control to save the Bidens I'll still laugh

    2. It's funny that so many liberals will call for gun control... that's already on the books. Most of them have no clue at all about most of what they talk about. As you point out it is even more funny when they get upset that the gun control they've asked for applies to them. Often that is because although libtards love to think they they are the enlightened, educated, tolerant and non-racist/sexist... They are really huge hypocrites. You see this often when they say "conservatives would be for gun control if blacks/women/jews/gays started buying guns". And then they are confused when we welcome those new gun owners and invite them to the range. Because we judge individuals on their own, we're not trying to start race or class wars like the libtards are. Libtards want to destroy current western civilization so they can replace it with their Stalinst/Maoist model. They can only do that if they can fool minorities and women into being disarmed and helpless and legislate everyone else out of being able to defend themselves.

  2. he's only get probation anyway... panzer guy

  3. The only reason he's up on those charges is that dad's DoJ hopes we'll forget all the more serious crimes he and dad did until the Statute of Limitations run out.

    1. Yep, it's probably a distraction. They'll fiddle fart around with this until they find some excuse to let him off on everything. Of course it's political, anyone not left of center they would be prosecuting aggressively.


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