09 September 2023

Hot Rodders Are The Original Recyclers

Something that often bothers me is the institutional disregard for hot-rodders.

The pollution and emissions cost of a new car is a lot more than updating and upgrading an old one.

An upgraded and updated car will be far cleaner than its original form.


There's no incentives to make these upgrades and updates.

If anything, there's barriers to modernizing old cars.

There should be incentives to encourage people to drop modern, cleaner, more efficient engines and drivetrains into old cars.

There is nothing.


Well, the obvious answer is the people pushing for fewer emissions don't really believe in what they are pushing.

Is it really cynical of me to think they're a bunch of lying cunts?


  1. Kind of like how I'll only start believing in Global Warming caused by Evil Pollution when the eco-nuts start agitating for nuclear power.

  2. It's all about control. People who can fix their own cars are less likely to be controlled. People who can keep an old vehicle running and not buy a new computerized tracking device on wheels are less likely to be controlled. People who participate in clubs dealing with old tech are less likely to be controlled.

  3. Not at all. Most legislators know virtually nothing about anything they write legislation on or vote for or against.

  4. I ain't putting a newer engine in my 55 Chevy, the original is doing just fine. Needs a set of rings & valve seals but a little smoke doesn't hurt anything.

    1. Unlike the cult of climate, I do not propose forcing you to put a modern engine in your classic.

      What I would like is for them to give us hot-rodders some credit for doing some of the shit we do that's actually creating a reduction in emissions.

      Real emissions, not this bullshit CO2 stuff they're talking about.

      Increasing mpg is the only real reduction in emissions that counts, and lots of us have. More efficient engines and transmissions with overdrives are like having your cake and eating it too!

      That'd be on top of not expending valuable energy making a whole new car.


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