10 September 2023

What Did He Mean "Slow Of Mind?"

A long, long time ago, I can still remember...

We were on the top level of the Memorial Union parking ramp bullshitting after the end of a marathon gaming session.

For some reason, "How hard would it be to shoot the cross across the street?" came up.

I said it'd be easy.

Others disagreed.

A roving Karen with an ounce of authority told us we couldn't be loitering up there before we could really debate the question and it was forgotten until now.

It's a 50m shot.

So, yes.  It is an easy shot with a rifle.

Moderately difficult with a pistol.


  1. It's a question best answered, as you pointed out, by first stating with what weapon.

    Kid's rubber-band slingshot? Really hard. But not impossible.
    Wrist Rocket firing steel balls? Not so hard, improbable but possible.
    Medieval Arbelist (one of those super duper cranked crossbow thingies)?
    Original Handegonne? (that one, yeah, not so much.)
    .22LR pistol with 6" barrel?
    Lorcin .25ACP?
    Good caliber pistol with decent barrel?
    Any rifle?
    Grenade launcher?
    CIWS mounted on a trailer?

    Geez, 165 yards? Hell, that's within easy reach with a rifle-musket as used in the American Civil War of Northern Aggression and Southern Independence to free the agricultural implements or something.

    Not that hard with an American Rev War cannon.

    Reasonably easy with a ballista, harder with an onager or trebuchet.

  2. I must not have been there or my memory is faulty. However I've been there more than a few times. Definitely not a difficult shot with a rifle.


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