10 September 2023

If They Really Used It

The Army has decided against the M1A2 SEPv4 and is going with the M1E3...

Just us T2K geeks bothered to learn the numbering system and it's been bugging me for years that the military doesn't bother with it.

Shit like the X-35A becoming the F-35A.  Should have been F-24A.

The X and F number series aren't the same and shouldn't interchange like that.

B-21 should be B-3A.

But they're touting the use of E3 as a return to the old way of doing it.

And showing they STILL don't understand.

Post MacNamara A is accepted, E is experimental.

Pre-MacNamara A is main variation, E is sub-variation.

Using the post system the M1E3 would be developmental and when accepted and type classified, it changes to M1A3.  Wanna bet they don't?

And it really should be XM1E3 if you really use the system properly, because it's a substantial revision.

The WW2 system would have the SEPv's rolled into E numbers.  M1A2 SEPv1 would be M1A2E1, SEPv2 would be M1A2E2 and so on.

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