17 September 2023

Teacher Salary

Our local teachers are fomenting for more pay, again.

One of them posted what our county spends compared to neighboring counties, trying to show they deserve more.

My first thought was, "well then move to where they're paying more."

My second thought, though was under the heading of "per student spending."

My county spends $22,000 a year per student.

Classes are limited to 30 students per room.

$660,000 per classroom per year.

Teachers get $48,225 to $75,000 a year.

Assuming the top pay grade...

WHERE THE FUCK IS THE OTHER $585,000 GOING?  I think we're getting ripped the fuck off here.

First, it shouldn't cost more than half a million bucks to educate 30 kids.

Especially since we're spending more than half a million per classroom and failing to educate them in stuff they're going to need when they're turned loose on the world.

Time to write the congress creatures again.


  1. At so many schools the administrators make most of the payroll and the teachers actually in classrooms get jack squat. There are usually a few other staff that are shared amongst several classes... Usually a librarian, a PE teacher, an Art teacher, a Music teacher, AV office staffer, an office secratary. Even in elementary schools, the Principal often makes as much as 2-3 teachers. And when you go up to Middle School and High School the gap usually widens, plus they usually have more admin staff, deans, assistants, vice principals, etc. And then there are all the district administrative staff who often make even more money than the on-site administration. That's where a lot of the other $585k goes. Plus a little for building maintenance and often some to pay off bonds the district took out to build or improve/repair schools. And there are supplies, utilities and other expenses.

    But undoubtedly there is a bunch of waste in there. Mainly it is administrators, especially district Superintendants are way overpaid.

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    2. Not to mention good old graft. In NYC, there was a big fuss about replacing the windows in schools. The contract went out to a "connected" company, which promised to install high-quality new windows. Instead, cheap-jack windows were installed, and the company made out like the bandits they were. There was a big stink, but nothing changed.

  2. schools waste so much money... they are like the gov but worse, way worse... and most schools are admin heavy and admins do make a lot more... my son just graduated this year and I'm still pissed he was not allowed to attend preschool because we aren't minorities and I "make" too much money a year... they still spent my tax money....assholes... panzer 5

  3. End of year, fifth grade, walked into class to see stacks of materials, glue, tempra paints, a complete arts and crafts thing. For Days we burned through materials. I asked the teacher Why? Why Now?
    Well, we haven't spent our budget and if we don't spend it this year, we won't get it next year. So they wasted thousands to secure their bloated budget next year.

  4. Yep, admins suck. I'll also add that the absolute pants-on-head dumbest people I ever met were teachers (business majors a close second). -Jking

    1. The old saying "those that can do, those that can't teach" is unfortunately an example of why stereotypes are so annoying. Because they almost always have an undeniably strong basis in reality. Things that are just completely false don't become stereotypes. Of course it isn't fair to the few that don't fit the mold, and they're there. I had a handfull of teachers (out of hundreds) that were truly wonderful people. Another adage that comes into play here is "you only get what you pay for". A lot of the reason there are so many teachers who are kind of bottom of the barrel is the pay. It is rare for someone truly smart and talented to be altruistic enough to work that kind of largely thankless job for so little. And the other problem that has gotten worse over the years is putting up with kids. I can honestly say I was one of the worst of the worst when I was a kid. I wouldn't doubt that at least a few teachers decided to move to other careers due to the frustration of dealing with kids like I was. And now teachers have had most of the tools to maintain order and discipline taken away and they're getting no support at all from their administration. community or the parents. They're under the microscope and having to walk on eggshells. Only an idiot or someone with few other prospects would be willing to sign up for that.

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