27 September 2023

I Finally Remembered

The Beast doesn't have an oil pressure gauge.

It has an oil pressure sender, but it doesn't send to any display in the car.

My handy scanner will show live data, but oil pressure is not among the streams.

My unhandy laptop based program, though, will show it!

I'm getting 25-27 psi at idle and 55-60 psi at 4,000 rpm with the coolant reading 200° F.

That's about perfect!

Since the sender is brand new, I figure this is as an accurate of a reading I will get from it.


  1. Angus. May I ask what program you are using on your computer? I have set up a dedicated Toughbook running Win 7 for use in the workshop, specifically for cars. Was going to download the Ross Tech VCDS "light" version for VW but could always use something more universal. Thanks in advance.

    1. It's suspiciously sourced software that came with the DXDIAG pass-through module. GM only in my bundle.

      I think it's a Chinese clone of the GM GDS2 software.

    2. Thanks - so happens a friend in Iceland just asked about a replacement for a Tech II with GM soft. Will investigate.

  2. Can you tap the signal from the sender to supply a gauge if you are so inclined?

    1. I think that would screw up the signal for the CAN bus. But I can put an adapter under the sender with a tapped hole for a second sender for a traditional gauge.

      The "problem" is routing the wires and finding an attractive way to mount the gauge.

    2. It sounds like the ultimate fix would be a gauge screen for the infotainment or being back the early oughts trip computer like my old Buick which can swap the odometer to read oil pressure and water temp


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