30 September 2023

The Booze

There's a few times when what quiets the...


Requires self medication in the form of alcohol.

While everyone's lost, the battle is won
With all these things that I've done

I know what that means to me.

Does it mean that to you too?

Do people not understand when you try to explain?

Me too.


  1. While everyone's lost, the battle is won
    With all these things that I've done

    Pasted into the searchy thing. Lyrics of a song by the Killers. And, no, I Don't think I understand. I'm no military strategist, but it Seems a bit of a conflict to raise the victory flag, if everyone is lost. My brain might just be a little too literal.
    Makes me think the point of those words has more to do with internal stuff. But if I had a clue or two, I'd think about it

  2. I had a friend who won a Silver Star in Vietnam. Someone said that he must be very proud to have won the medal. Bob said he would rather they have kept the medal and he had his buddies back.


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