06 September 2023


I'm in the process of changing primary doctors at the VA.

My current doc has not been very good.

Starting with when I put The Precious into a tree and culminating with her refusal to sign my handicapped parking permit, I decided that she wasn't doing a good job for me.

I have an appointment with the new doc next week, setting that appointment canceled two appointments with the old doc last month.

She called me personally today to talk about the parking permit.

Bitch, you are fired.  Do you want an exit interview or something?

I tell you, after she failed to make the accident follow-up in a timely manner she's damn lucky that Harvey didn't go down there and blow her ear drums out dressing her down.

The call was odd, I think.

It felt like a call from someone who's been told by her supervisor that if she loses one more customer she's fired.

Knowing how close to a sinecure the VA doctor job is...  That says something.

She was very focused on the parking permit and I kept telling her that it was just the final straw.

Like three loops of her offering to sign it now and me trying to explain what "last straw" means.

When I told her it started with her failure to get me a follow-up for the car accident, she asked, "when was your accident?"

So I replied, "see?  You don't even know.  You didn't even pull my file before calling to familiarize yourself with your patient.  That's why we're done here."


  1. Good for you. Having a bad doctor is far worse than no doctor at all.
    Hope the next doc is signif
    icantly better.

    As to her being on the last leg at the VA, I think you have it pegged right. A very unhappy experience at the local not-VA hospital with a pulmonary specialist who didn't know how to balance blood gasses at all resulted in me yelling at my wife's doctor in the ICU before God, all the nurses, the hospital chaplain, the rest of the patients and their families and said lung doctor. Something about "If she gets within 10' of my wife's room she will suddenly discover she can't fly (we being on the 6th floor)" and other nicities were said. She had earlier said I should let my wife pass because her O2 stats were so low (because my wife was fighting the air hose and they had to keep her gorked out of her mind so wife wouldn't pull said air hose out.) Found out later she got a job at the local VA and then got fired within a year. So bad even the VA wouldn't keep her.

  2. I'm not fond of doctors in general. I remember when I was having ENDLESS trouble trying to drop off to sleep (look, sleep is NOT my trained dog and does not come at my call!) and I begged for sleep aids that really worked (after spending my adolescence dependent on allergy meds, I'm pretty much immune to antihistamines, which is what is in those OTC pills) but all they would say is "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now, about your WEIGHT..."

  3. I think you've done the right thing.


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