10 September 2023

Observed Phenomenon

The drive to The Lego Store yesterday reminded me of something I've been watching for a while.

People will routinely drive 10 over on the 6-lane 45 limit road.

When the speed limit goes up to 55... they can't get past 50.

But will punch it to five over for the short 60 mph section.

Then keep going 60 when it drops back to 50 for a few miles and drop to 50 when it returns to 55.

I don't get it.


  1. I chalk that up to synapse lag and resistive dendrites that tangle up the neurons. Applies to stop lights too., Around here, the light goes green and you can count to 5 before the first car moves and sometimes the 2nd waits for 15 foot clearance before they go. Speed signs are rarely seen consciously, it is all a blur so brain reactions are scrambled. And what causes this? My pet theory is that using cell phones of the modern type completely damages the neurons and all related circuits in the brain. Refresh rates (people are becoming micro epileptics and don't know it), RF and other parasitic spikes generated by the frequencies used are all doing a number on ya. Then there is drugs, licit and illicit on top - whoo-ee!

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