11 September 2023

DIY Solar Filters

You start with this film.

You cut it into circles.

You put the circle between two UV filters. 

You fail the first time when you forgot your fingers leave prints.

You fail the second time when you find that holding the thin and fragile film while cutting with scissors ruins the film.

You fail the third time when you realize that your Exact-O blade is dull.

You succeed the next three times for 2x 58mm and 1x 67mm filters!

Laying on the floor of the garage aiming at the LED tri-light.

I'll check them against the sun for artifacts tomorrow.

This film is incredibly fragile compared to the stuff I used before that makes an orange sun.

This stuff is supposed to give a white disk, but...

Sun with finger prints and damage from holding while cutting with scissors.

Fingers crossed the three that look good with the LED lamp look good with the sun.


  1. Almost forgot about my solar filter media. I just cut a square, just holding the corners, and put rubber cement on the outside of the UV filter rim, and placed the lens on the filter on the counter over a piece of printer paper. Viola.

  2. Also consider a high number arc welding filter. Do your own research, I also don't give wiring advice. But do NOT try to cut them. They are highly tempered and will shatter into shards sharper than a needle.


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