10 September 2023

This Came Up

Scientist altered their paper to make sure it would be published.

That's not how science and scientific publications are supposed to work.

If you are altering your work to conform to the bias of the publication, you have compromised your principles and all of your work is now suspect.

That you'd have to make such a compromise means that peer reviewed publication is now a useless benchmark.

Quoting something from one of these publications has the same scientific merit as quoting my high school year-book.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sadly, this is a very real phenomenon. Many scientists will privately admit that they have to appear publicly to conform to the "ministry of propaganda" approved party line narrative in order to get published (and therefore get paid).

  3. Not just in the hard sciences. For a while, Egyptologists were under a lot of pressure to support the "black Egypt" theory that was so fashionable, despite the tons of evidence (including a lot of actual ancient Egyptians!) we have that ancient Egyptians were NOT "black" as we use the term.


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